Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This year has been such a whirlwind! I feel like the year happened in a coupla months though coz so many things happened between about August and the present day. Obviously, known to everyone now is the preggers situation and the birth of my lil' man, Christian. What I can share that I know will be super usefu to alota people though, is the whole experience of being preggers; I must warn people though, I had it REALLY good!

Firstly, being preggers is NOT an excuse to eat; you have to stay as healthy if not be even healthier than you were before you got knocked up! I used to run, I ate normally which is pretty healthy, I'm very conscious about what I eat. If you eat the same way you ate before you were preggo, its more likely you'll probably lose weight once baby arrives! #nojokes! I'm smaller than I was before :) so eat well and exercise is my 1st tip, keep active coz it makes you feel stronger.

My 2nd tip is you can still look totally fabu, don't buy clothes that are just too big coz its just for the coupla months you preggo! My boyfriend went with me to buy my maternity wear so he was there to also give me input on what he thought I looked good in coz when you get super large, you don't feel to hot. There's a ton of stuff that can make you look like a happy expectany mummy!

Those are my top 2 tips for survival while you preggo! The last 2 months is when you really feel it so the rest of the time, just carry on as normally as possible!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

It has been WAY too long since I've blogged! I've really missed it actually so ima get on my blog grind either later today or tomorrow. Right now I'm being a little antisocial. BUT what I will say, in the past year I've learnt a lot about different fashion ans styles for different body types from small girls to fuller figures to pregnant women! Everyone, and I mean everyone can look good no matter what.

So till later on chickas!
